Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Good Time Feeling

Why do you read?

--Fictional books, anyway.

To escape, to experience, and to live a life that's entirely different from your own. 

All right, maybe I just have high standards, but when I do find time to read (which is rarer than you'd think, being a writer), I expect one thing when I get to that last page.

Some semblance of a happy ending!

There's nothing like finishing a book and feeling miserable. And, no, not the kind of miserable that entails waiting a year for the sequel. But the kind where nothing was resolved, and no one ended up happy. At all. Talk about messed up.

So, down with the twisted, endings (and the moody immature boyfriends who can't decide what they want, puh-lease!). Sprinkle some sunshine amidst the clouds. Give readers one things that's not always guaranteed while they're alive: a happy ending.

Consider yourself challenged. Dance off, bro.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

I've Got Atychiphobia. What About You?

I haven't started writing yet (or plotting!), and I find myself stuck. No, not by writer's block. Something even worse, in my opinion.

I'm scared of failing. Of being rejected, again.

To give you an update, I've pulled AFTER ALICE from the querying trenches and placed it safely on the shelf. Lots of rejections later, I realized my manuscript wasn't as ready to face the publishing guns as I thought.

Now, as I begin to plot THESE WICKED WATERS, I keep putting the actual planning off. I always find something else to do. Clean, pin on Pinterest for inspiration, mess with my newly short hair... 

The list goes on and on. I'm aware of what I'm doing. And even more aptly aware of my procrastination's sickly cause.

Hello, atychiphobia: the fear of failing.

Being afraid of failure before actually starting something is irrational. 

Tell that to my fingers who refuse to type when I want them to.

I know, in the end, I'll conquer my fear of failure and write. How, you ask?

I've got a strict schedule set before me with an actual deadline. It's the only thing I can think of to give me a much needed shove into writing again.


January 31: Finish plotting THESE WICKED WATERS (TWW)
February 1-28: Write TWW in its entirety
March 1-8: Take a break and seek out Beta readers
March 9-18: Edit TWW
March 19: Pass out TWW to Beta Readers
March 19-May 30: Word on editing AFTER ALICE & SHATTERED
May 31: Get TWW back from Beta Readers 
June 1: Begin edits on TWW
July 31: Submit TWW & SHATTERED into Critique My Novel's annual contest

Phew. Just looking at all those dates and tasks refocuses my attention. Forget failure, I'm going to be busy!

So, maybe you're struggling with atychiphobia. If not in writing, another area of your life. Don't let it control you. Give yourself a challenge with accountability partners. In my case, the contest deadline.

To snag a quote from a fellow writer, Mandy Hale, "It's okay to be scared. Being scared means you're about to do something really, really brave."

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Many Happy Returns

Guess who's back!

Yep, little old me (though people say 22 isn't old. Then I show them my two grey hairs).

It's been an awfully long silence--over a month! With this post I'm debuting my new website design. For its simplicity, it took forever to make. Blogger is pretty easy to work with though, so that was a plus.

As I promised back in December, I've got lots of fun things happening! I've starting my next book, THESE WICKED WATERS. TWW involves a hotel resort on a mysterious island, murderous sirens, a hot lifeguard, and a rich-girl-turned-maid after an unfortunate senior prank. Fun, right?

I'll be posting regularly from now on. Every Tuesday and Thursday look forward to a blog. Friday's mean vlogs (video blogs).

I'll keep this post short, but let me just say, I am so, so, so, SO glad to be back! Here's to a year of writing, reading, and adventure!