Thursday, April 30, 2015

Dawn of a New Era

Once upon a time I used to wear glasses. In fact, I wore glasses and an eye patch in an effort to correct my vision (though I cheated with the eye patch thing--c'mon, I was 7!). Fast forward to Emily, age 12, and wa-la! My eye doctor proclaimed me fit for a glasses-free lifestyle.

Not anymore, readers, not anymore. One of the many sacrifices of taking up the mantle of writerhood: increased eyestrain.

Though I'm taking it in stride. I'm treating the whole thing as a Clark Kent alter ego. With the glasses on I'm Emily Layne with them off, I'm _____ _____--well... It is a pen name after all.

So, on May 7th, a week's time, I'll be picking up my glasses.

Don't worry. There will be pictures.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


I had my idea.

I had my characters.

I had my plot outline.

Until my so-called characters gagged and kidnapped me. Pretty sure I'm now their writer. Ransom in the form of Sour Cream & Onion Chips and Now & Laters can be mailed to a later disclosed address.

Okay, on a serious note. I used to read about writers losing control of their stories via their characters. I would roll my eyes and muse that they were just making that up. Well, let me tell you, lovely readers. It. Is. True.

I've spent the last week at the whims of Benji and Eryn. We argued, we procrastinated (a lot), and we gave each other insomnia (pesky, half-asleep plot ideas). Finally, finally, I gave in.

Let me just say, my characters totally knew what they were talking about. Not only do I feel revitalized and ready to write (just need to conquer that procrastination...), but the story feels so much stronger.

If you, like me, ever get kidnapped by your characters, don't fight them. They know what they're doing.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

This Won't Be Like That

A few months ago, I finished writing a book in two weeks. That's right. 62,000 words in 14 days (12, if you count Sunday's, the one day I don't write).

As I started my next WIP, Wishes, Maybe, I assumed I'd knock this one out as fast as the one before it.

Not so much.

The last few days I've gotten frustrated with myself, confused over what's so different about this book that it's taking so long to write (I'm on day six with only 20,000 words). Then my mind snagged on that one word.


Wishes, Maybe is completely different from my last book. It's about genies, a murder, and it alternates between two POV's in third person--a POV I've never done before. So, I'm tossing out my doubts and concerns that Wishes, Maybe isn't coming along as quickly as my last book. If you find yourself in the same rut, consider doing the same.

Books are works of art, and art takes time.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Food for Words

Like many people of the world, I like to eat.

I also like to write. In my mind, the two go hand in hand. Actually, when I have to write and there isn't food readily accessible, I have a hard time writing.

Okay, maybe I think with my stomach too much. Or maybe this post is in honor of my re-boot healthy eating kick after eating lots of junk while away.

Nonetheless, having a healthy snack on hand (and water!) will save you from distraction--getting up to make food--and will also keep you fueled as you write away.

Which is what I should be doing.



Thursday, April 16, 2015

R&R (The Fun Kind)

In the publishing world R&R stands for "Revise and Resend." Well, in this post, I'm talking about a different kind of R&R. One that requires no work. In fact, it's the exact opposite.

Rest and Relaxation.

These past two weeks have been super busy. On the 10th I came back from a week long missions trip. On the 12th I took a two hour drive (curse you traffic!) to spend the week with my dad since he's away for work. On the 13th I began writing my sixth book. On the 16th I headed home and swung by my grandparents to chauffeur my grandmother to a doctor's appointment. Finally, at 1:34PM, on Thursday, April 16th, I am home for the indefinite future.

I'm tired.

While I could jump into writing (I am seriously excited about this book of mine), I'm not. Instead, I'm going to grab some fun R&R--a Epsom salt bath and at home spa time. After I unpack and do laundry, of course.

As amazing and fun and wonderful as writing is, and though you may be really inspired, sometimes you need to take a day off. Right now my mind is oh-so-very ready to write up a storm. My body? Not so much.

So phone in with yourself. Are you due a day of R&R?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hey There, Mon!

First, let me just say: IT FEELS SO GOOD TO BE HOME!

Warning, this post will have nothing to do with writing. Be forewarned.

As people promised me, the mission trip really changed my outlook and changed me. The conditions and kids I worked with probably had a lot to do with that. Let me paint a picture for you--with words.

The mission was based in Jamaica.

Hold on there, don't picture those pristine beaches and towering resorts. The only time I stepped on a beach was for a few minutes just to walk up and down it. The rest of the time was spent in out-of-the-way churches. One was in a swampy area with hard-packed dirt roads (and lots of rain-filled potholes). The other was high up in the mountains.

Yeah, cell phone reception and Internet was not an option. Verizon can only do so much.

I got very friendly with the mosquitoes. Apparently I'm so delicious, 40% Deet can't keep them away. I faced down heat accompanied by sunburn and swarming ants in my bed. I calmly handled a prank which involved red Kool-Aid streaming from my shower (yeah, I thought it was blood at first. Ugh). I faced my dirty bathroom phobia head on. The nicest bathroom I encountered while in Jamaica is pictured below. I basically fell in love with it.

The kids were the most exhausting bunch of children I've ever met, but a few of them snagged my heart. Serena who is only six, but acts like a mother toward her younger brother. Sierano who always said "please" and "thank you" and helped catch runaway children. Syon, super cute and smart, who loved my lamb craft. Damone with a penchant for sticking out his tongue and chewing on things not fit for human consumption, but helped me pick up my bags during a rainstorm.

I really understand now why my church supports such a mission. There is so much I could fill this blog post with on what happened in Jamaica last week, but I'm not going to bore you with the details. Know that it was a rewarding and eye opening trip that gave me a level of confidence in myself (in regards to handling kids) I didn't have before.

To God be the glory, great things He has done.